Friday, January 14, 2011

Well....I Guess This is One Way!

Here is a little account of the strange writing habits of the American novelist Mary Robison (born 1949):

After a while of being unable to write anything, Robison began taking drastic measures. She started driving around in her car with a tape recorder, and whenever anything came into her head, she would just scream it into the tape recorder.

Then she'd go home and write these things down on note cards. Eventually she had about a thousand note cards, and she realized that with a little work she could arrange them into a novel.

The result was her book Why Did I Ever (2001), a very short novel told in 536 very short chapters about a woman named Money Breton, divorced three times, who's addicted to Ritalin and trying to support herself as a screenwriter.

Her most recent book is a novel called One D.O.A., One on the Way (2009).

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