Monday, January 30, 2012

WJI Features Conference at Bryan


Dayton, Tenn.--If you are a Christian student journalist in Eastern Tennessee or Northern Georgia with a passion for writing, circle March 27, on your calendar.

World Journalism Institute, in conjunction with WORLD on Campus, will be conducting a series of free journalism seminars at Bryan College in Dayton, Tenn., for Christian college journalists in the area who want to develop their skills as journalists.

The half day conference, entitled "The Skills and Worldview of the Christian Journalist,"is designed to help students improve the skills necessary to integrate a passion for Christ with a passion for great journalism.

The seminar leaders will be Warren Cole Smith, associate publisher of WORLD magazine; Leigh Jones, editor of; and Rob Patete, WORLD magazine's associate art director.

Seminar sessions will cover topics such as the basics of news writing, including story structure; common mistakes made by beginning journalists, and how to avoid them; basic interviewing skills, including a few tricks of the trade; how to integrate a Christian worldview into the practice of journalism; and how to write for

Between the seminar sessions there will be a free pizza lunch for all participants.

The World Journalism Institute ( is a division of the World New Group with the mission to recruit, equip, place and encourage Christian journalists in the newsrooms of America and the world. WORLD on Campus is a news website for college students looking for news from a perspective that will help them develop a Christian worldview. The World News Group also includes WORLD magazine and World Radio.

To register for the Bryan journalism conference, go to and select "Programs." Scroll down to "Bryan College Conference."

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