Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ugliest Two Words in English

Ugliest Two Words in English

They aren't hateful. They aren't disgusting. They're just annoying. The editors of the Webster's New World College Dictionary say the two ugliest words in the English language are: "like" and "go."

As in: "And I go, 'I can't believe it!' and she's like, 'You didn't know?'"

Once a year, the dictionary editors stop their serious work and indulge in a good rant about the state of the English language. Here is the best of what they consider to be the worst:

Most irksome euphemism: Issues
We used to have problems. Now we have issues.

Worst replacement for good old "yes" or "I agree": Absolutely
The close runner-up is "definitely."

Most cheapened cherished word: Awesome
A C+ on an algebra test is mediocre, not awesome. Dude.

Worst unnecessary lead-in: I mean
I mean, if you didn't mean it, you wouldn't be saying it!

Most infuriating idiocy in news headlines: Neck in neck
And it's used everywhere, including the New York Times, the Seattle Post Intelligencer, Reuters, Fox News, the Akron Beacon-Journal and too many others.

Worst orthographic innovation: Stunt spelling
This is a cutesy-poo, middle school infatuation that began as early as Mötley Crüe, progressed to phat and continues downward with boyz.

Worst grammatical abuse: The present progressive
"i'm lovin' it" without a capital "I" and without a period is the idiocy reduced to its essentials. Well, McDonald's thought it so fine that they took out a trademark on it.

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