Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Parable of the EPA Talents

A man going on a journey called his servants together and entrusted his
property to them. He gave one five talents of money, another two talents,
and another one talent.

The man who had received five talents used them to take his staff to the
Evangelical Press Association convention in Indianapolis. There they learned
to understand and meet the needs of their readers, to get more out of
freelance writers and non-journalists, and to implement a new publishing
strategy that increases revenue while reducing expenses.

As a result, their business prospered. The man with two talents did likewise, and his
publication also prospered. But the man who had been given one talent just stuck it in a mayonnaise jar and buried it in his yard.

The master of the servants returned and settled accounts with them. The man
who had been given five talents was able to return 10. "Master," he said,
"We went to the EPA convention and explored new marketing ideas, and we've
prospered." The master said, "Well done, faithful servant."

The man with two talents brought his master four, saying, "The advertising
sales discussion at the EPA convention helped me boost revenue, and the
chance to network with other publishing professionals was eye-opening." And
his master said, "Well done -- come share my happiness."

But the man who had received one talent was able to return only one talent,
and it smelled slightly of mayonnaise. "Master," he said, "I was frightened
by the economic downturn and thought it would be good to dig a hole and hide
until things magically got better on their own, rather than try to improve
my skills, add to my knowledge, or strengthen my publication."

His master replied, "What's wrong with you? Have you not read the e-mails
promoting the EPA convention? Did you not visit the EPA Web site to learn
about the helpful workshops being offered this year?" The master told his
staff, "Take his readers and advertisers and give them to the others.

"For those who do not panic will find opportunities for growth, while those who
are ruled by fear will lose what little they have. And make that worthless
servant stay home in early May, weeping and gnashing his teeth rather than
joining his peers in Indianapolis for the joint convention of the
Evangelical Press Association and the Associated Church Press."

Let he who has ears, hear. And let he who has not yet registered for the
convention, register:


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