Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Free Train Rides for Writers

(CNN) -- Tweet it and it may come true.

In the world of travel, anyway.

Sending under-appreciated scribes into a frenzy of ecstasy across the United States, Amtrak is launching an official residency program for writers on its long-distance routes.

The best part?

It's free.

That minor earthquake you just felt was the rumble of several million freelancers scrambling for their computers.

Writers are now able to submit applications to drop everything in their lives to focus on their writing while getting gratis rides on Amtrak's most scenic routes.

All thanks to a playful tweet from a freelance writer.

Brilliant move

It's the most positive wave of publicity Amtrak has had at least since Joe Biden's last railroad rhapsody.

The residency ball began rolling when New York-based writer Jessica Gross tweeted a quote from Pen America's interview with novelist Alexander Chee.

The writer said he'd written his novels on trains and enjoyed doing so.

"I wish Amtrak had residencies for writers," Chee said.

Gross and a friend promptly tweeted the quote at Amtrak.

In a shocking plot turn, Amtrak tweeted back: "We'd need a test run. You two up for a trip to Chicago and back?"

The stunned Gross quickly agreed and Amtrak soon arranged a free writing trip for her from New York to Chicago and back.

Writers nearly broke their keyboards with excitement once the news hit social media after Gross tweeted out about the ride at Amtrak's request.

Who knew so many writers did their best work on trains?

Or like free trips?

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