Congratulations to Jim Uttley of Indian Life, who is now officially the
first person to register for this year's EPA convention. I'm sure Jim joins
me in asking what exactly is holding back the rest of your slackers. (Of
course he's far too polite to ever say such a thing.)
Of course, there could be plenty of reasons you haven't registered yet.
Right off hand, I don't think we ever actually mentioned that the
registration form was posted. But it is. Jim found it, and so can you.
You'll also find information about our plenary speakers -- pollster
extraordinaire George Barna (he knows what your readers are thinking) and
big-time religion reporter Gustav Niebuhr (perhaps you've heard of the New
York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal, also known as Gustav's
Coming soon -- workshop info. But here's a sneak peek. EPA favorite Peter
Jacobi is with us for a day. Doc Hensley, a fabulous writing instructor, is
with us for another day. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Plan now to join us in Indianapolis May 6-8. We're meeting with the
Associated Church Press, so this one promises to be bigger and better than
ever. Remind your bean counters that the nation is now firmly in the grip of
both "hope" and "change," and that leading economists say the worst of the
recession is probably behind us now.
Any day now the powerful healing waves emanating from the White House will be reaching your office, and you'll want to be ready -- so register now. Visit the EPA Web site for details: www.epassoc.org.
--Doug Trouten, Executive Director
Evangelical Press Association
P.O. Box 28129
Crystal, MN 55428
Voice: 763-535-4793
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