Tuesday, November 11, 2008

EPA Makes Journalism Scholarships Available

Here's a scholarship opportunity from the Evangelical Press Association. I think a number of you would qualify to compete for them. More information is at www.epassoc.org.

2007-2008 EPA Scholarship Winners Announced

EPA awards several scholarships each year to students preparing for a career in print journalism. The amount varies from year to year but grants generally range from $1,000 to $2,500. The awards are announced at the annual membership meeting.

Candidates must be majoring or minoring in journalism or communications. Preference is given to -- but not restricted to -- students with an interest in the field of Christian journalism. Students must be third- or fourth-year undergraduates or graduate students with at least one year of full-time study remaining when they receive the awards (meaning that most applicants are sophomores or juniors).

Students must be enrolled at an accredited Christian or secular college or university in the U.S. or Canada. Candidates must have maintained a B-average or better.

Scholarships for the 2007-2008 academic year have already been awarded. This year's recipients are:

Benjamin Tertin, who will be a senior at Multnomah Bible College, where he edits the school newsppaer, The Voice.

Rachel Blackmon Bryars, a graduate student in communication at Johns Hopkins University.

Rebecca Go, who will be a senior at Point Loma Nazarene University, where she co-edits the yearbook and works on the student newspaper staff.

Shannon Owens, who is pursuing an M.A. in media and communication at Dallas Theological Seminary.

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