Tim Robertson, reporter for the Warsaw Times-Union, will be with us in class Monday night. Please read this article, and we will ask him what effect this event has had on his staff. Also...I'll share a little more of the backstory with you--I have a very personal connection to this situation.
Former Warsawan Slain In Minnesota
David Slone
Times-Union Staff Writer
PRIOR LAKE, Minn. - A former Warsaw resident and Times-Union reporter was found dead in her home in Prior Lake, Minn., Wednesday morning.
Her husband is in jail on charges related to her death.
Ruth Anne Maddox, 45, worked for the Times-Union from April 1, 1987, to July 8, 2003. During her tenure at the Times-Union, she covered general assignments, as well as police and courts under the bylines of Ruth Anne Lipka and Ruth Anne Long.
According to the Star Tribune newspaper in St. Paul, Minn., police responded to the Maddox home at 16492 Timber Crest Drive SE Tuesday night to check on Ruth Anne after she was reported missing by co-workers.
Her husband, Charles Anthony "Tony" Maddox Jr., allegedly was uncooperative and would not allow police to enter the home. After a second welfare check at the residence, police secured a search warrant.
Ruth Anne's body was discovered at 3:17 a.m. Wednesday. Reports published online indicate her body was found wrapped in a tarp in an attached garage.
Tony, 43, was booked into the Scott County Jail at 4:55 a.m. Wednesday on a preliminary charge of second-degree homicide, according to an officer at the jail. No bond had been set as of Wednesday afternoon.
Lori Lambrecht, office manager for the Scott County attorney's office, said if the charges were not filed today, they would be filed Friday.
Reports indicate Ruth Anne was last seen alive by a neighbor at approximately 11:30 p.m. Monday.
According to twincities.com, Ruth Anne filed for divorce from her husband on Oct. 22.
In a telephone interview this morning, Ruth Anne's attorney for the divorce, Peter Horejsi, said a hearing for the divorce was scheduled for Nov. 6. But prior to that court date, Tony's attorney and Horejsi came to an agreement on the divorce. Horejsi said they expected the divorce to be concluded this week. Tony also agreed to be out of the house by the end of the month.
Horejsi said he learned of Ruth Anne's murder Wednesday.
According to an affidavit filed in the divorce, Ruth Anne was concerned about how her husband would react to the breakup, based on an incident of abuse that occurred a year ago when the possibility of a divorce was brought up. Horejsi said today, Ruth Anne did not expect any extreme violence. He said there was no reason to believe anything to this extent.
In February 2005, according to a police report provided by the Prior Lake Police Dept., Tony was arrested for driving while intoxicated and fleeing police in a motor vehicle. His blood alcohol content was .15.
At the time, he had an outstanding warrant from Hennepin County, Minn., for driving with a suspended license.
Lt. Randy Hofstad, Prior Lake Police Dept. spokesman, said Wednesday afternoon a cause of death had not been determined, but the case was being investigated as a homicide.
Initial reports indicate Ruth Anne was beaten, but it was unknown at press time whether any type of weapon was used.
Ruth Anne's two dogs and cat were taken to Four Paws animal shelter, according to a report in the Savage Pacer newspaper online.
Ruth Anne moved to Prior Lake from Warsaw in 2003 after marrying Tony. Ruth Anne and Tony attended high school together in Hammond and reconnected after attending a class reunion.
In Minnesota, Ruth Anne became a reporter with two newspapers owned by Southwest Newspapers. She first worked at the Savage Pacer and then at the Shakopee Valley News. She also worked part time at a Kohl's store.
Mark Weber, general manager of Southwest Newspapers, said, "We are shocked and saddened by the news.
"She was a great employee. The newspaper is keeping her friends and family in their prayers," Weber added.
Ruth Anne is survived by a daughter, two sisters, a brother and her parents.
Times-Union General Manager Gary Gerard said, "Ruth Anne was here when I was hired in 1988. She was a hard-working, talented reporter and just a really fun person to be around. She had a great sense of humor."
He added, "I can't imagine how anyone could do something like this to Ruth Anne. My solemn hope is that justice in this case is swift and severe.
"I want Ruth Anne's family to know all of us here at the Times-Union grieve with them and are keeping them in our thoughts and prayers," Gerard said.
It was the first homicide in Prior Lake since January 27, 2002. In that case a man killed his wife then took his own life, according to the Star Tribune.
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